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Software (client) MB-Unlocker.


We maded the software 'MB-Unlocker' to unlock via internet the clusters W118, W190, W205, W213, W213rest, W253, W222, W447, W167, W247 and same clusters 2014-2021 year, with USprog adapter.
You need to solder approx. 5 wires to MCU of cluster for unlocking.
The software is free for users of USprog tool, but every unlock procedure must be prepaid with Tokens (need charge account by your Adapter ID) on the server with bought count of Tokens before of your operations.

For working with MB-Unlocker software you must have bought:
- MCUs Programming Tool "USprog V4"
- Option "MB-cleaner"
- Option "Working with W205/213/222".
- Option "Working with W167/213rest/247"
- Option "Working with Secured MCU D70F35xx"
- Option "Working with Secured MCU R7F7014xx"

For clusters with MCU D70F35xx, the price will be 1 Token.
For clusters W167/W213rest/W247 years 2018-2021 (not FullLCD) and other similar cars with speedmeter module, the price will be 4 Tokens.
For clusters W213, W222 Full LCD, W205 Full LCD, W205/447 Facelift with R7F7014xx - the original MCU in cluster is locked fully.

There may be three solutions:
- Buy the option SecSkip for working with secured MCU and unlock it with MB-Unlocker. The price will be 2 tokens.
- Buy the "unlocked" MCU already flashed with required numbers of firmware by your cluster, then solder it to your PCB of cluster instead of original MCU.
- Change original MCU with another MCU chip where "Full Erase" option is not disabled, then erase/flash it with Unlocker. The price will be 2 tokens.
In our shop present the new not locked MCUs for sale, please stock up on them in advance.

The user of this tool must have USprog adapter with activated MBcleaner software and "W205/213/222" option, then with the special software 'MB-Unlocker' can be possible unlock the cluster by update the content of Main MCU of cluster.
The software require a stable internet connection with our server, that need for make session of producing file maded individually for every cluster.

The Price of Tokens is present on the shop page (visible for logined users of USprog tool only).

The W213-like clusters (and W222 FullLCD and Facelift, W205 LCD and Facelift) have MCUs locked forever (can't be erased/rewrited),
they need to do the SecSkip operation or change the original MCU with "new" or "not erase-locked" one.

The MB-Unlocker tool have a full instruction how to use this tool, with STEP BY STEP description of unlocking.
PLEASE DON'T BE LAZY TO READ INSTRUCTION (manual) by the button F1 of keyboard, or button HELP placed at the corner of software window.
Before ask anything, Firstly ALWAYS OPEN IT and FOLLOW STEP BY STEP the instruction manual.

If you need this tool, and agree with risk (it is always present) to damage your cluster by non-qualified manipulations and you can fix the problem by yourself using the INSTRUCTION, then Welcome, the installation file placed HERE (software installation file).

Thanks for understanding.

USprog team