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30.06.2024 The show status of filter is changed. Added type of filter (Green 162x, Blue 1721, Red 1622V, Black 1622F)

08.02.2024 Added version of TPM for W907.

13.10.2023 Addad Mercedes  X156 2017

25.05.2023 W253, W205 2019 (key same as W213). Adjusted writing to Assist+.

04.04.2023 Adjusted show the date of start using for cars older 12 years.

21.03.2023 W212 2014 - the working with modules is adjusted. Added one version of ESAF.

19.03.2023 Added GLC W253 '2020.

28.02.2023 INVISIBLE mode activation has been added to filters with firmware since 27.02.2023.
If you see that the installed filter is working correctly, you can make it "invisible" -
he will stop being detected by the program in the car, as if he is not there. But "on the bench" without a car, it continues to be detected by the program.
Activation: use the new checkbox in the filter window (near UNLOCK), then press MAKE.
Reset to normal visible mode is with the filter UNLOCK procedure.

21.11.2022 For W205 '2017 added module PTCU(CEPC).

04.11.2022 Added module SCR for some cars maded since 2017.

18.07.2022 For W253 '2018 added module PTCU(CEPC).

21.02.2022 Changed extension of archive file to ".zip" because some postal servers banned the sending of emails with file ".rar"

19.02.2022 Added W907 Assist and Assist+ read/write data.

23.01.2022 Added X-class W470 (experimental work with unlocked cluster only because whole car did not come to us yet).

15.01.2022 Added Sprinter W907 (experimental work with unlocked cluster only because whole car did not come to us yet).

27.08.2021 Added W447 rear SAM Alarm.

27.07.2021 Added W447 2015 with Monochrome cluster display.
IMPORTANT! W447 splitted on 2 types:
"W447" - Vito with color display on cluster (same as W205)
"M447" - Vito/Metris with monochjrome display on cluster.

04.03.2021 Added GLE C292 2018.

27.02.2021 Adjusted working with some old versions of CRD2 module.

12.02.2021 For W447, added reading of value from ISM, parameter "Historical Interrogation Odometer".

01.12.2020 For W213 and W222 restyling: for unlocked clusters, now is possible editing of Start Date in Cluster module. Date in PTCU will be synchronized with Cluster too.

26.11.2020 Added new one version CDI60LS for W166.

18.11.2020 For W213:
Added data read/erase in motor module MRD1.
Adjusted working with data in Assist/Assist+/PTCU.
In firmware of Filter "OBD" was added function of filtering errors in EZS (km values in error detailed reading).
All details are on the filter News on our site.

04.11.2020 For W213: added data read/erase in module DBE(EDW).

27.08.2020 For W447: added data erase in SAMR, ESP.

22.12.2019 For W447: added data erase in modules TPC and CDI module CR41.

20.12.2019 For USPROG adapter only:
We maded the software 'MB-Unlocker' to unlock the clusters W190, W205, W253, W222(oldstyle), W447 and same clusters 2014-2017 year via internet,
with USprog adapter. Need to solder 5 wires by the tool to MCU of cluster.
Operation takes the not expensive Token bought previously on our shop.
All details by your mail request to the site mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For clusters W205/W253 2014-2017 and W222 2014-2016 years (not FullLCD) and other same clusters

31.10.2019 Added the versions of clusters W205/213/222 '2019 for correct reading of EEPROM. Please update your Adapter!

Now when you rad data fromclusters W205/213/222 and similar, you can see the MCU name in window of SW numbers. 

  Firmware Update for all filters.     Added filtering of "Main Km" value by PTCU W205.    All details are on the site News.

  Firmware Update for all filters.     Added filtering of "Main Km" value by PTCU W213/W222.

The W205 2018 (Full LCD) is added. The pictures of vehicle W205 was changed. Be careful when select a type of vehicle!

W213/W222 2016-2018 Module PTCU (Transmisision) is added - working with saved services.    Added modules ESAF,SAMF,SAMR.

W213/W222 2016-2018 Module Tire Pressure Check: the data erase is added.

25.02.2019 A-class W176 2014 is added.

20.12.2018 For W213 '2016:
- The module TPC (RDK) is added
- Te operate with Assist+ data in the cluster is adjusted.

20.11.2018 The bug with clusters W166/W172 is fixed (lost comm-s when write data). Please update your adapter!

08.11.2018 CAUTION! Please do not wrap the installed filter into the insulation tape or other thick insulation materials,
especially inside of tight lock housing (EZS/CAS) without ventilation! The filter may overheat and even burn with fire!

02.11.2018 NEWS: On our store now available MCUs for W190, 205, 213, 222, 447 for soldering into your clusters.
The MCUs flashed with special patched firmware, ready to use in clusters with exact firmware numbers present in the list of ordered item.
Please refer to description of item on the shop page.

26.10.2018 For GLA W156 one else version of ESP is added.

21.09.2018 Added vehicles W222 2016-2018 years. The cluster is Full LCD same as in W213.

06.09.2018 For W117: some modules are added.

02.09.2018 For diesel ECU CR60LS/CR60Euro: the ParticleFilter and Errors Erase is added.

12.02.2018 Firmware Update for filter 1715 (SpeedStop) and all other filters.

- For W213, the problem with mileage return has been solved.
- W205/222/213: added indication of mode by the blinking of FarLight lamp of the Cluster.
- SpeedStop: added the ability to permanent turn OFF the SpeedStop function (as example in case of changing the owner of the car).

To all filters was added the W213 OBD filter function (same as for W205/222).
I. e. in W213 cars, you can use the filter 1615,1616,1715 with updated firmware as OBD filter too.

Picture for connect filters to the EZS W213 updated too.

All details are in the manual for the filter 1715 SpeedStop on the 1st page of our site and in the News page.

06.11.2017 Maked new firmware for filters. Added the diagnostic function and reflashing of both filters via OBD.

    For filters installed as "Cluster - EZS":
    Reflashing via OBD will work for only for filters distributed since 06.11.2017 (they have new bootloader inside, b06.0611),
    For older filters will only work the diagnosis and "unlock" functions.
    For filters installed as "OBD" (Additional): no restrictions.

The bottom side of window "Filter/Adapter Reflashing" was modified too.

27.10.2017 The table of history km values added to the window of Culster W205/W222.

    The view of Filter Reflashing is changed. Now the filters "1615", "1617" with last firmware version, can be visible and diagnosted right via OBD.

03.09.2017 The procedure of full rewrite EEPROM of clusters W164, W203, W211 (stops on address 0400) is adjusted.

20.03.2017 For vehicle W222 the modules ESP, TPM, RVC, SAMF, SAMR, ESA-F, CR61 are added. The reading.writing of the ASSIST module data is adjusted.

03.12.2016 Attention!!! The Frequent burning of the adapters due to using of any converters for charge laptops from a car. 

The reason of burning is always one - poor ground in the cigarette lighter plug, it throws the current going through the thin ground wire from the OBD connector through the adapter and laptop!

Watch for the quality of grounds! Do not insert the OBD connector until you are sure that charging through your Converter is fine!

08.09.2016 The working with ESP W212 '2013-2015 is added (reset of data).

07.07.2016 The working with R230 '2002-2006 (K-line) is adjusted.

07.04.2016 Testing of function for W221 ESP(ABR): reset of all data by one button CLEAR. The update of adapter is required.

30.03.2016 For the W.X166.156 '2013, the next modules are added: Diesel motor CDI CR60LS, ESP, TPM, SAMRear, ESAF - clearing of values with the button "RESET". The update of adapter is required.

04.03.2016 The firmware of filter 1815, 1816 is modified: improved sensitivity of autodetect CAN bus. The accuracy of the mileage reading from EZS W166 is improved up to full value (without rounding). See details in the site news.

21.02.2016 The button "DASH-EZS" is inactive now because a lot of users like to press the buttons but don't interest for what purpose this button.

This button never resets the mileage, never learning the "alien" dashboard. It is for people who can correctly erase mileage in EZS with NEC cpu, its task to TEMPORARILY suspend the exchange of great km values between the Dash and EZS, while work is in process.

 For adequate users who really need this button, please send us the request of button activation via site mail, specifying your Adapter ID and write EXACTLY, for what purpose you need this button. The simple copy of our text will be ignored - it's a sign of Parrots, no brain used.

17.02.2016 The vehicle X156 GLA is added. The Filters installing arhive is refreshed - picture for W156 EZS is added to archive file. Please re-load the new archive from site page.

19.01.2016 The function "RESET" for the diesel ECU Delphi CRD3.x is remaked. The "intern.KM" will be setted to zero, all other km values will be adjusted by the km in the dashboard.

14.01.2016 The motor ECU CDI5 W211 is added.

13.01.2016 The passwords for some W212.W218 '2013-2016 dashboards are added. 

If software will detect the dashboard with unknown firmware version, will be performed try to collect the data from this dashboard to the log file and asks you to send it to us. At the next release of MBcleaner this version of dashboard will be added. 

Please don't forget to send the logs from MBcleaner - it is in your interests too.

If software will detect the dashboard with unknown firmware version, will be performed try to collect the data from this dashboard to the log file and asks you to send it to us. At the next release of MBcleaner this version of dashboard will be added. 

Please don't forget to send the logs from MBcleaner - it is in your interests too.

12/15/2015 The motor ECU CRD2.35 is added. Please update your adapter.

11/11/2015 The passwords for some dashboards are added. Please update your adapter.

11/07/2015 In the vehicles W117 W166 W172 W231 W246 W463 sometimes come unknown versions of dashboards. If software will detect this dashboard, will be performed try to collect the data from this dashboard to the log file and asks you to send it to us. At the next release of MBcleaner this version of dashboard will be added. 

Please don't be lazy to send the logs from MBcleaner - it is in your interests too.

10/28/2015 The passwords for some dashboards are added. Please update your adapter.


 The function of "unmatching/matching" dashboard now work for some else cars: W169,W164,W245,W211,W203,W221 and similar.

09/03/2015 The function of changing "Start Date of using" for module ASSIST W164/W211.

06/25/2015 The bug with dashboard W166.

06/01/2015 For vehicles C W205/ S W222/ Vito W447 the adjusting of current service is possible now.

05/25/2015 The dashboards W204/W212 '2013-2015 are added.

04/15/2015 The dashboards W447 Vito '2013-14 are added. The passwords for some dashboards are added. Please update your adapter.

02/15/2015 In the shop there is the new option of work with dashboards W205, W222  '2012-2015 via OBD, should also work with Vito '2014-2015 dashboards.
This Option is not free, because it really took a lot of blood and health. For a small fee you will have a possiblity to do a dashboard via OBD. About EZS, you need to do it similarly with the W166 EZS. About Filters, please read the news in their news page. When ordering this option in the site shop, read carefully the description of this item in shop.

02/14/2015 For the dashboards of W166, W205, W222 and similar, will be shown button "Dash<>EZS" - The Dash-EZS matching/unmatching: for cars where the EZS have a function of ZGW inside.
If you want to do the Dashboard before the EZS, you need to unmatch Dash with EZS for prevent return old data from EZS to the Dashboard. After successful doing the Dash and EZS, don't forget to use this button again, overwise the "-----" will be shown on the dashboard display.

02/12/2015 For the some models of W164, W216, W221, for additional payment, In the shop there is the option of try to clear km in the EZS. It works next: if the selected vehicle have a possibility to try clear km in EZS, the checkbox "Try clr km in EZS" will be shown near the Main Km field. With this box checked, will be performed try to clear km in EZS when the new data will be stored into the Dashboard. When ordering this option in the site shop, read carefully the description of this item in shop.

02/05/2015 The passwords for some dashboards are added. Please update adapter too.

01/29/2015 If communication with the module is not very good, please send the log file to the site mailbox.
If the request to send the log does not appear, you can cause the formation of a log force Ctrl-Q or LOG button in the top right corner of the program window.

01/24/2015 The vehicles CLA W117, GL X166, SLK R172, CL W231, B W246, GL W243 '2010-2014 are added. For these vehicles, the full access to the dashboard data is added. The adapter update required.

11/29/2014 The working with Services in Vito W639'2008 is adjusted.

10/30/2014 The modules for W221 '2011 are added: CDI, ASSIST.

10/02/2014 The working with ECU CR42 is adjusted. For this module, the Xentry in parallel still required for MersCleaner.

06/16/2014 The some versions of CDI6 ECUs are added.

05/16/2014 The W212 '2010 ECU CDI2.16 is added. For adding the new modules Software asks you to send info about module. Dear users, please don't be lazy, please send us the info by software request - it's maded for your interests!

02/17/2014 The W639 2005 MagnettiMarelli "on table" Dashboard communication protocol is remaked.

02/19/2014 The working with CDI6 2011 is remaked. Now it's possible to make ALL data in module with the RESET and SetNewPart.filter buttons, without DAS/Xentry parallel connection.

Some libraries are added to MersCleaner. If after autoupdate, the mersCleaner show Error Window when connect with USB adapter - please re-install it with installation file from site.

02/16/2014 The W414 Vaneo dashboard is added. Some dashboards (2001y) have a Bug in firmware that may not access to memory, these dashboards can make with BDM programmer only.

01/25/2014 The CRD2.30 module by Sprinter'2009 is added.

For diesel engine ECUs CRD2.xx (CDI-D2): no need to connect Xentry/DAS in parallel, all values can make with MBcleaner only. Update adapter and software of MBcleaner.

The vehicle GLK X204 '2013 is added.

12/18/2013 The data resetting for CRD2(CDI-D2) W204/W211 is remaked. Was tested on the module CRD2.10 '2010.

10/15/2013 Working with W169/W245 IKE/ASSIST/ASSIST+ via OBD2 is renewed.

09/10/2013 For the W164/W211/W251 dashboards, the readig/writing 24C32 is possible now.

09/10/2013 The button Help and F1 is added in Modules window.

09/03/2013 The working with CRD2.3 (CDID2) is renewed.

05/21/2013 The modules BCM, CDI3_UP for W211'2005 are added.

04/11/2013 W164/W211 Assist - detecting of "bad" contents after bad correction (a sign - it is impossible to reset service) is added. When data reading from Assist there will be a message about the data is bad in EEPROM, and the offer to fix it.

03/18/2013 The ParticleFilter reset for W164 CDI6 (meanwhile in a parallel with StarDiagnosis) Is added. After reset switch off ignition for longer time than earlier - for 5-10 minutes! After that erase errors using StarDiagnosis.

03/11/2013 The module TPM W164 2010 is added.

03/06/2013 The Adapter firmware autoupdate is remaked.

02/20/2013 W197 SLS 2009 is added to Cars List.

02/20/2013 The bug with dashboards EEPROM on W(X)197, 204, 207, 212, 218 and similar, with SW number started on "902..." is fixed.

02/14/2013 The bug with Seat Belts off for W204/W207/W211 and similar dashboards is fixed.

12/17/2012 MBcleaner Instruction is ready, you can download it from site Mbcleaner page now.

11/22/2012 Fixed some bugs for login access in CDI3...5 ECUs.

11/13/2012 Added Logins for CDI4 (W164) and CDIV (W638), CDI5(W221) ECUs - in testing mode. Now is not need the parallel StarDiags connection for resetting ParticleFilter in these ECUs!

11/04/2012 Caution! (For filter 181x-12 installed into W164 EZS only) Possible filter hangup after car wakeup! Please update filter firmware before it installing(on-table) or after it installing(via car OBD)! For obtaining filter binary file please connect with me, will be need your Adapter ID for making binary file.

09/15/2012 Solved problem with incorrect Miles/KM switch in Start window.

08/11/2012 The SGR,ABR,BNS for W221'2010 is added. The data resetting in ESP W211 2007 is added.

07/28/2012 Important!! Displayed versions of all programs contain this version issue date. If you see that after auto-update this date in head of main window did not change and is already far from current date - need to uninstall and install again the program from archives on site pages.

04/14/2012 The Data Clearing future for ESP W164/W251 is possible now via OBD.
The autoupdater shows actual (last month) news now. News re-reading available by clicking on Read News label.Be better to run Programm with connected Adapter, then Autoupdater can autoupdate Adapter firmware.

04/10/2012 The ECU CDI W638 2008 working via OBD, reset particleFilter in pair with StarDiags is added.

03/31/1012 The full operation with panels W204/X204/W212 with monochrome displays is added. For operation with the color there is no information on dashes - what EEPROM and the CPU installed inside.

03/21/2012 For W166 the partial operation with services as on W204/212 via diagnostics is added.

11/11/2011 For W204 2008 the REAR SAM BNS data reset is added. One value still shows after erasing - don't worry, it goes out after next car wakeup. Values in CGW module will be renewed after all error erasing procedure using StarDiag. For modules CDI/D and CDI4 reading and partial adjusting future is added. The reading and erasing data in Seat modules is added.

06/15/2011 Deleting of the seats data in memory for E-class W211, ML W164, GL W463 is added, at a complete set of the car by seats with storage.

06/08/2011 The dashboard Vito/Viano BORG (Johnson Controls) W639 2006-9 via the L-line - only the services editing is added.

05/18/2011 The body W230 2006-8 - in it Kombi, ESP is added (got old type, the tire pressure loss data deleting is works!), EZS, SRS. Some passwords for dashboards were added.

04/27/2011 W211/W219 2006 in Battery Module (BNM) - now reading and deleting of the data.

04/23/2011 W211/W219/W164/W251 2006 added TPC unit - reading and deleting of the data.

03/2/2011 For W211 2007 added:
1. Motor unit CDI-D - at connection in a parallel with Old allows to correct some (not all) deduced parameters.
2. Rear SAM - Battery Data, allows to read data only.

Operation with panels Vito/Viano W639'2002-2005 completely on diagnostics is added. Now completely works via diags (through OBD or a back connector of the dashboard "on desktop").