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MB StopCount MB/BMW/Renault Filter  - the filter with Speed Stop function for Mercedes. Works with clusters produced before June 2018.
For newer cars, the Unlock of Cluster (procedure with MB_Unlocker or change MCU bought in our shop) is required before installing of filter StopCount.

For installing into the EZS or Cluster, CAS4/FEM/BDC, is intended for mounting on Renault, Mercedes and BMW F-serie vehicles CAN bus, with EZS/CAS4/FEM/BDC modules maked on NEC и FREESCALE microcontrollers.

Have all functions of standard green filter 1621 (MB/BMW/Renault) or green 1615 (obsolete)
+ function of make slow or stop count of Main Mileage for clusters W205/W222/W213 '2013...2018 years.


Production of filter "1721" started since 02.2022, it is currently avaiable in our shop.

Production of filter "1715" started since 10.2017., sales finished in jan.2022.

There is two versions of filter:

1 - This device is "Plug and Play", for the installing into the plug of Cluster W205, W222. Not applicable for W213 (it have another connector).


2. Device for soldering into EZS or Cluster modules. Applicable for all cars W205, W222, W213. Pictures of filter 1715, the filter 1721 is similar.


The StopCount function works well in most of Mercedes W205, W222, W213, W447, W253 and similar cars, where used same clusters as listed. 

For W213, W222, W453 the filter must be installed permanently, because without filter the big (real) km value jumps back on the cluster display after remove of filter.

The filter must be installed into the EZS or into the Cluster, into the broken CAN bus between the Cluster and EZS modules.


Because there is too much versions of wheel button sets exist, we keep the Control of filter by just one button Home/Esc on the left side of wheel.

The filters sold after 2018.12.23 or filters with updated firmware v63.23.12 or newer filters 1721, have control by this single button (Left Home).
 Details are in description lower, "Version 4".


The method of control for old filters sold before 2018.12.23:

For W205/W222:  Slows (stops) the Arrow and Counter. 
Installation is fully same as installed "Main Filter" 161x (see connection pictures in archive).

Control of SpeedStop function is with buttons on the left panel of steering wheel.

- Two count modes "Count /2" and "Count Stop", cyclic switching between modes by the button HOME(OK) holding more 2sec
    Count /2 = 2 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
    Count Stop = 3 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
- Switch OFF (usual count) with button ESCape, hold more than 2sec ( 1 flash of FarLight lamp on the cluster).

- Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car deside to sold this car:
  press and hold both buttons HOME(OK) and ESCape while see 5 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster (hold 5 or 30sec).

  After permanent blocking of StopCount function, new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with MBcleaner tool.



For W213: Slows (stops) the Counter only, the Arrow keep work as well!

The picture for filter(s) connection into EZS IS HERE.

Caution. In W213, the EZS is too smart, it can count the mileage by itself. That's because the unmounting of filter causes jump back of right mileage to the cluster from EZS. Please don't remove the installed filter, better just deactivate it as described above.

For the "proper" reading of mileage data from EZS W213 via OBD, you need to install second filter "OBD filter".
Please refer to the connection picture for W213 above.
For this purpose you can use the regular green filter 1615, 1621 with last firmware inside.


Because the W213 cars may be equipped differrently, the 2 versions of control present for this filter 1721 / 1715.
One of them can work for your car.

Version 1: Control by the buttons of right wheel panel:

- Two count modes "Count /2" and "Count Stop", cyclic switching between modes by the quad sensor button [OK] holding more 2sec
    Count /2 = 2 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
    Count Stop = 3 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
- Switch OFF (usual count) with button HOME, hold more than 2sec ( 1 flash of FarLight lamp on the cluster).

Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car deside to sold this car:
  press and hold both buttons quad [OK] and HOME while see 5 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster (hold 5 or 30sec).

   After permanent blocking of StopCount function, new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with MBcleaner tool.


Version 2: Control by the Home buttons of right and left panels:

- Two count modes "Count /2" and "Count Stop", cyclic switching between modes by the Right Home button holding more 2sec
    Count /2 = 2 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
    Count Stop = 3 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
- Switch OFF (usual count) with button Left HOME, hold more than 2sec ( 1 flash of FarLight lamp on the cluster).

- Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car deside to sold this car:  press and hold both buttons Left and Right HOME more than 5 sec ( 5 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster)

  After permanent blocking of StopCount function, new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with MBcleaner tool.




Version 3 (2017-2018 restyling) for filters sold (version) before 2018.12.02:

Control by 2 buttons of left panel of wheel:

- Two count modes "Count /2" and "Count Stop", cyclic switching between modes by the holding of button HOME more 2sec
    Count /2 = 2 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
    Count Stop = 3 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
- Switch OFF (usual count) with button ESC, hold more than 2sec ( 1 flash of FarLight lamp on the cluster).

- Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car deside to sold this car:
  press and hold both buttons quad ESC and HOME while see 5 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster (hold 5 or 30sec).

  After permanent blocking of StopCount function, new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with MBcleaner tool.



For newer filters since 2018.12:

Version 4 (2017-18 restyling)  and for all filters sold after 2018.12.23 (v63.23.12 and newer) :

CHANGE by 30.08.2020: Added new mode "10% of Count" - owners want to know when they need come to oilservice.

Control by one button "HOME" (or "OK" if no HOME button) on the left panel of wheel:

- Four count modes "Count 50%", "Count 10%", "Count Stop" and "Normal Count", cyclic switching between modes by the holding of button "HOME/ESC" more 2sec
    Count 50% = 2 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster
    Count 10% = 3 flashes of FarLight lamp 
    Count Stop = 4 flashes of FarLight lamp 
    Count Full   = 1 flash of FarLight lamp.

- Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car deside to sold this car:
  press and hold both button "HOME/ESC" while see 5 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster (hold 5 or 30sec).

  After permanent blocking of StopCount function, new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with MBcleaner tool.


Connection "inside EZS".

     1. Find number on a Filter board, find a photo with the necessary Filter connection pictures. 

     2. Desolder (remove) the ferrite CAN noise filter from a EZS board.

             Be careful: EZS has more than one such fnoise filter! You must remove only one that is shown on a connection photo!!!

     3. Find visually on a connection photo the connection points of ground and power supply wires.

     4. Important: First wire to soldering is ALWAYS GROUND wire! 

             It will be do always to Electrostatic Discharge prevent.

     5. After ground wire soldering you can solder CANs wires and power supply wire.

             Be careful:  On some (similar at first look) Filter connection pictures, the CAN1 and CAN2 wires pairs can have different connection !!! 


Please correctly select pictures and the Filter connections!