The BMW StopCount Filter type 1721(available in our shop) and type 1715(obsolete) - the filter with Speed Stop function for BMW cars.
Works with cars/Clusters produced before June 2020, or older (depend by the exact BMW model and production date).
The StopCount function in filter 1721 Blue, for clusters of BMW F-serie and some of G-serie up to June 2020.
The filter Blue 1721 is placed in the CAN inside of cluster, near of instrument panel connector, or into the CAS/FEM/BDC in the place of the "main CAS-Cluster filter" into CAN bus between the Cluster and the CAS/FEM/BDC.
4 modes are available, by the high beam blinking indication on the instrument panel:
1 blink: Counts 1:1. Normal account with no restrictions.
2 blinks: Counts 1:2. For each real 1km, counts 0.5 km.
3 blinks: Counts 1:10. For every real 1km, counts 0.1 km.
4 blinks: Almost stop. For every real 100km, it counts ~0.1 km.
Control of modes:
- Use the LIMIT button on the left side of the steering wheel (press/hold for ~2 seconds)
- Or use the BC button on the turn signal handle (press/hold for ~5 seconds)
Hold the button down until the high beam indicator on the cluster blinks.
- Switch OFF FOREVER of function StopCount - if the user of car decide to sold this car:
Just press and hold the Mode Control button more than 30sec, then see 6 flashes of FarLight lamp on the cluster.
After permanent blocking of StopCount function, the new activation of StopCount is possible only by the "Unlock" of filter with Cleaner tool.
With some cars G-serie may be difficulties. May be 50% mode works well, but other modes do slowly not Main KM counter, but the Day Trip counter instead.
Connection "inside CAS/FEM/BDC".
1. Find number on a Filter pcb, find a photo with the necessary picture of Filter connection in Cluster or CAS/FEM/BDC in archive with pictures.
2. Desolder (remove) the ferrite CAN noise filter from a CAS/FEM/BDC board.
Be careful: The module has more than one such noise filter! You must remove only one that is shown on a connection photo!!!
3. Find visually on a connection photo the connection points of ground and power supply wires.
4. Important: First wire to soldering is ALWAYS GROUND wire! It will be do always to Electrostatic Discharge prevent.
5. After ground wire soldering you can solder CANs wires and power supply wire.
Please correctly select the Filter Connection picture!
If you see CAN errors after installing filter into FEM/BDC (errors in modules, abnormal flashing of lamps in cluster, ...),
in some cases helps the remove Filter from FEM/BDC and install it into Cluster.