Filter MB/BMW/Renault
23.10.2024 v24.10.23
For filter 1621 and 1622G: Added filtering of mileage in SRS errors.
For filter 1622V and 1622F: Added filtering VW/Skoda ECM,ABS,RADAR,CAM_F.
Now in the FW of filter the digits mean the full date of firmware (v24.10.23 = year 2024, month 10, day 23).
1621/1622G (Green regular filter)
1721-17 (Blue filter SpeedStop) model MB 2017
1721-19 (Blue filter SpeedStop) model MB 2019
1622V (Red filter for VAG only)
1622F (Black filter Universal)
For request of file with firmware, please send us the mail on
1 - of course, the reason of your request (what you need by us),
2 - Fully proper name of your Filter (1621,1721-17, 1721-19, 1622G, 1622F, 1622V),
3 - your Adapter ID (MB-CAN or USProg tool adapter) that you will use for reflashing,
4 - (for filters SpeedStop 1721) The model of MB you need, 2017 or 2019. Not actual for BMW.
Before update of filter, please do the "UNLOCK" procedure for filter, even if the filter shows state "unlocked"!
The procedure of filter update is described in the manual of MBcleaner.
13.08.2024 v24.10.23. For filter 1622V and 1622F: Added filtering VW/Skoda Cluster, replace mileage in Error B2000.
Now in the FW of filter the digits mean the full date of firmware (2024 year, 08 month, 13 day).
30.06.2024 For filter 1622V and 1622F: Added filtering live data in some modules of Audi A3 2016, VW Crafter 2023, VW Multivan 2020.
For all filters: The show status of filter in Mbcleaner tool is changed. Added type of filter (Green 162x, Blue 1721, Red 1622V, Black 1622F).
10.04.2024 MB W213 Data readingfrom EGS, replace mileage in data.
11.03.2024 About installing Filter in BMW.
If you see CAN errors after installing filter into FEM/BDC (errors in modules, abnormal flashing of lamps in cluster, ...),
in some cases helps the remove Filter from FEM/BDC and install it into Cluster.
27.06.2023 MB W447 DCT Errors reading, replace mileage in error data
20.04.2023 MB W213 SCR Errors reading, replace mileage in error data
28.02.2023 Activation of INVISIBLE mode has been added to the filters (disabling the possibility of detecting the installed filter by all sorts of "pickers" with the Cleaner program).
If you see that the installed filter is working correctly, you can make it "invisible". It stops being detected by the program in the car, as if no filters in this car.
At the same time, "on the bench" without a car, it continues to be detected by the program. Activation of the mode by two methods.
Method 1, manually: solder the jumper M2 on the filter pcb. Deactivation - remove the jumper M2.
Method 2, via MB-Cleaner. In the filter window, after detecting the filter, set a checkbox "INVISIBLE" (near "UNLOCK"), then click MAKE to start the process.
Reset the invisibility mode to normal mode - only on the bench (without the car), through the UNLOCK filter procedure.
21.11.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1621, 1721.
BMW G30 2019, added masking of mileage reaed from SCR module.
MB W253 2017, added masking of mileage reaed from RVC module.
04.11.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1621, 1721.
MB W447 Metris 2019, filtwer works very unstable in EZS, in bus Cluster-EZS.
For some cars maded since 2017, added masking of mileage reaed from SCR module.
11.08.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1621, 1721.
MB W213 ESP, replace mileage in internal data reading
18.07.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1621, 1721.
MB W253, replace mileage in data readed
28.05.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1621, 1721.
MB W213 CEPC: InterroErrors reading, replace mileage in error data
BMW G-serie: adjusted function of farlight blinking.
18.02.2022 Finishing sale of filters 1615, 1715.
In our shop present filters of next generation, 1621 and 1721.
17.02.2022 Firmware Update for filters 1615, 1715.
After change MCU STM32F105 in filte to GD32F105, found/fixed the bug with sleep/wakeup of filter.
1615 - v47.16.02 (green regular filter)
1715 - v67.16.02 (blue filter SpeedStop) model MB 2017
1715 - v67.17.02 (blue filter SpeedStop) model MB 2019
Important - please don't load firmware into the filter 1815-14/1615/1616 if you not sure that it is intended for this type of filter!!!
Overwise you become a lot of problems for loading back the correct firmware!
Before update of filter, please do the "UNLOCK" procedure for filter, even if the filter shows state "unlocked"!
For request of file with firmware, please send us the mail on
1 - of course, the reason of your request (what you need by us)
2 - Fully proper name of your Filter (1615,1616,1715)
3 - your Adapter ID (MB-CAN or USProg tool adapter) that you will use for reflashing
4 - (for filters SpeedStop 1715) The model of MB you need, 2017 or 2019.
The procedure of filter update is described in the manual of MBcleaner.
18.11.2021 Firmware Update for all filters.
W166/205/222/447: ISM Errors reading, replace mileage in error data
W166/205/222/447: ISM InterroErrors reading, replace mileage in error data
W166/205/222/447: EGS InterroErrors reading, replace mileage in error data
W166/205/222/447: EZS InterroErrors reading, ISM replace mileage in error data: km of last occurence
BMW G-serie: adjusted sleep/wakeup function.
11.09.2021 Firmware Update for all filters.
Added compatiblity for BMW G30 2019.
02.05.2021 Firmware Update for all filters.
Added SpeedStop functionin to filter 1715 Blue, for clusters of BMW F- and G-series up to 2020.
The filter Blue 1715 is placed in the CAN inside of cluster, near of instrument panel connector, or into the CAS/FEM/BDC in the place of the "main CAS-Cluster filter" into CAN bus between the Cluster and the CAS/FEM/BDC.
4 modes are available, by the high beam blinking indication on the instrument panel:
1 blink: Counts 1:1. Normal account with no restrictions.
2 blinks: Counts 1:2. For each real 1km, counts 0.5 km.
3 blinks: Counts 1:10. For every real 1km, counts 0.1 km.
4 blinks: Almost stop. For every real 100km, it counts ~0.1 km.
- Use the LIMIT button on the left side of the steering wheel (press/hold for ~2 seconds)
- Or use the BC button on the turn signal handle (press/hold for ~5 seconds)
Hold the button down until the high beam indicator on the panel blinks.
For turn OFF function permanently: Press+hold button more than 30sec, the 6 blinks come.
Now the function will work again only after "unlocking" of filter procedure.
30.04.2021 Firmware Update for all filters.
For 213/W222/447, added filtering of data when read errors from EZS,ISM,EGS modules.
02.12.2020 Firmware Update for all filters.
For 213/W222 restyling, adjusted filtering of data when read 3 mileages from EZS module. The bug was by the passing of "Mileage Tests" in Xentry, Cluster Module, Menu Checks.