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35160 V2 emulator (for BMW clusters) (Code: )


Emulator 35160WT is the emulator chip of 35160WT, 160D0Wx original used EEPROM. Serves for replacement of the original EEPROM chip in the dashboard of the BMW F-series and similar.

Difference with version V1: it already have internal resistor for compatiblity with MCU MB91F467DA/DB (5v tolerance issue).


With the programmer tool USprog can be conveniently by one click read of whole chip memory EEPROM/ChipID of original chip 35160Wx, store dump to file or write it to the emulator (find in menu of chips SPI/ "emul 35160Wx").
Current version is 2021.09.05 v0.4, readed with Usprog mem.type "FW version" as  "04 05 09 21".


STANDALONE COPYING: The emulator chip doesn't require a special programming tool. It has the ability to direct copy of data from the source chip. To activate the copy mode, just connect the pin 5 of the emulator pcb to ground (pin1) via resistor ~1kOhm.

When connected through the adapter pcb or directly parallel soldering of all pins of the emulator with the source chip (except pin 5) and appliyng of power 3.3...5V on the pins 1(-) and 8(+) for 5 seconds, the emulator will copy all data from original chip, except of increment area (in emul. chip will be 0km). After copying, the new mileage can be directly programmed using the regular mileage correction tools (programmers), or after installation in the car, the zero mileage can be changed to another mileage using the standard diagnostic software (Inpa/Ediabas, Rheingold etc.) 

This chip is fully rewriteable many times. But because it have a pins maded as semi-holes, you must understand that it can't be soldered many times, the pins of emulator may be damaged by the multiple soldering. 

Working with other tools.
USprog - checked OK,
Orange V5 - the module by developer of this tool,
R270 - read-write of main array EEPROM (info by the users of tool).

Do not worry if your programmer tool can't read anything from the emulator device. Now exists a million kinds of different programmer tools. Because this device is not a real EEPROM, therefore it requires strict observance of all time and voltage parameters of signals applied to the pins of device. If your tool will read the chip not same as read a real dashboard (timings, voltages) - sorry, this problem is not to us but to the developers of your programmer tool. For fixing this trouble you must do the same as do all reasonable people: open and read out a Datasheet of the chip, take up the magic tool Oscilloscope and Multimeter to your hands. Only this will help you.

A scarf-adapter for stand-alone copy is present on the shop pages of this site.

Soldering: with hot-air soldering gun or soldering iron (T. max.220°C! Don't overheat because it may erase firmware in the emulator chip). On the pcb of dashboard, you need to change the Pb-free solder to the solder with Pb because it have a lower temperature of melting.
After soldering, do not be lazy to check with a loupe and a multimeter the absence of solder nozzles,
shorts between the bottom pads (click picture) under the soldered emulator Board
copper breaks on the edges of the half holes (click picture) after soldering.
This will greatly helps to save you lost time, nerves and money!

Desoldering: ONLY with hot-air soldering gun! No irons please, it damage half holes - pins of emulator!
(T= max.220°C!!! Don't overheat because it may erase firmware in the emulator chip!).
Do not tear off, quietly wait until the solder melts on all pads of the emulator, then gently lift chip with the tweezers for the chip sides.

Please be careful, the pcb of emulator has a very small pads, they may tear off easily.


Suitable for: BMW F-serie and similar clusters.
Please understand: we can't promise the compatiblity with all possible clusters in the world, because the developers of these clusters fights against substitution of original chips. They often do some special secret tests and traps for detect the change and light the red dot (it's one of many reasons) on the display. We fight for avoiding of these traps too. This "confrontation of minds" is ongoing everytime when the new unknown version of cluster is ome to our lab.


Orientation of pin 1:

Near of pin 1 is placed small ceramic capacitor, near with pin 5 - small black resistor.

The emulators sold since date 11.2017, have a laser marking "160" with dot near of pin 1.


Difference between Emu35160 and Emu35128:
35160: under the glue you can see the chip 3х3mm, smallest than emulator pcb.Power 3.3...5V.
35128: under the glue you can see the chip 4х4mm, size is approx. of emulator pcb size. Power 3.3V only!

Power of emul.35160 is 3.3...5v.


Price: 3755 руб.
Dimensions: 6 х 5 х 1.5mm
Not available
Vittorio, 07.01.2020
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